I was impatiently waiting for the peak fig season to make these little desserts that I had in mind for a while. I already knew that fig goes wonderfully with raspberry; It remained to find a final association but one which would not take over the fruit flavors. So I went with a mascarpone mousse full of lightness.

These little desserts are therefore composed of a sweet muscovado dough, a super soft almond and raspberry biscuit, a mascarpone mousse and a fig and raspberry compote. For the decoration, I opted for a white chocolate velvet flock, a half circle of sweet pastry, the remaining mascarpone mousse and a slice of fresh fig.

To make these really super light little desserts, I advise you to start two days in advance, if only to make the sweet dough, the compote and of course the assembly. Your desserts must be perfectly frozen to be able to make the flocking.
With this recipe, I also wanted to reuse my flocking paint gun ^^" which I bought some time ago. To briefly explain, the idea is to melt a quantity of chocolate white with a quantity of cocoa butter. The mixture must then be used while hot, around 45-50°C. Then transfer this mixture into a container smaller than the main container (otherwise you risk not having enough). Then place yourself in a well-protected place. Until recently I used my dishwasher to do this, but you have to admit, to clean it afterwards you will need several wash cycles... So not ideal. I prefer to use a large cardboard box in which I place my small desserts and that way it's perfect. Then, you just have to activate the gun. I put the power to its maximum and I it gradually. The desserts must be placed at least 20-30 cm from the gun otherwise you will end up with not very pretty marks. Go there gradually and rotating the dish.

Flavor-wise, we loved the marriage of these three flavors and the textures too. The mascarpone mousse brings a real lightness to the dessert, the compote adds tanginess and fruitiness above all; we obtain this regressive side with the soft almond and raspberry biscuit and the crunchiness with the sweet muscovado dough. These little desserts are really not complicated to make, you just need to follow each step and above all take your time! Don't hesitate to give me your feedback if you have tested them :)

Ingredients for 6 desserts (Stone mold and 4 cm half-sphere Silikomart):
Sweet muscovado dough (2 days before):
40g muscovado sugar
15g of almond powder
125g T55 flour
1g of salt
55g unsalted butter
25g whole eggs
1- Mix the cold butter, muscovado sugar, almond powder and salt until you obtain a sandy mixture.
2- Add the egg and mix.
3- Add the flour, mix quickly without insisting too much.

4- On your work surface, grind the dough crumbs until you form a homogeneous ball of dough.
5- Film and reserve overnight in the refrigerator.

6- Spread the dough to 2 mm thickness. Cut out 9 circles of 7 cm in diameter. Cut 3 circles in half to obtain 6 semi-circles.

7- Then let it crust again overnight in the refrigerator.
Fig and raspberry confit (the day before):
150g figs
50g raspberries
15g of sugar
2.5g of NH pectin
1- Mix the sugar and pectin.

2- Stew the figs cut into pieces with the raspberries.
3- Add the sugar-pectin mixture and bring to the boil. Let it boil for a minute then pour into 4cm diameter half-sphere silicone molds. Reserve in the freezer.
The raspberry almond biscuit (the day before):
50g eggs
45g of sugar
30g of whole liquid cream
40g T55 flour
20g of almond powder
10g butter
Raspberry QS
1- Whisk the eggs and sugar for several minutes until the mixture doubles in volume.
2- Add the cream and mix gently.
3- Add the flour and the almond powder. Then, finally, the melted butter.
4- Spread the dough on a sheet of baking paper to 6 mm thickness.
5- Sprinkle with raspberry pieces and bake for around fifteen minutes at 170°C.

6- Once cooled, cut out 6 biscuits measuring 5 cm in diameter.
Mascarpone mousse - recipe by C. Felder (the day before):
2g powdered gelatin
12g of water (1)
150g of whole liquid cream
17g of water (2)
40g of sugar
30g of yolks
100g mascarpone
1- Mix the gelatin in 12g of water.
2- In a saucepan, pour the water and the sugar.
3- Meanwhile, pour the yolks into the mixer bowl.
4- As soon as the syrup reaches 114-115°C, remove the pan from the heat, add the gelatin, mix, and quickly pour over the yolks.
5- Whisk until cooled.
6- Pour the cold liquid cream into a container and whisk it until it has doubled in volume.

7- Work the mascarpone to relax it and add it to the yolks. Mix.
8- Then add the whipped cream and mix delicately using a spatula. Reserve.
9- Fill your silicone impressions with approximately 3/4 of foam.
10- Insert your fig and raspberry compote inserts. Add a little mousse and finish with the soft biscuit. Save the remaining mousse for decoration.

11- Reserve overnight in the freezer.
White chocolate flocking (on the big day):
140g white chocolate
60g cocoa butter
1- Bake the biscuits at 165°C for around fifteen minutes until they are nicely colored. Reserve. 2- Gently unmold your molds and place them on a rack and reserve in the freezer.

3- Melt the white chocolate and cocoa butter in a bain-marie. When the mixture is sufficiently melted and reaches 45°C, transfer it to a container smaller than the main container of your flocking gun. Close properly.
4- Place your rack in an enclosed space and spread your desserts evenly.
5- Place them delicately on your biscuits. Leave to thaw for 2 hours in the refrigerator before finishing decorating.
6- Place half a biscuit, pipe the remaining mascarpone mousse and decorate with a slice of figs.
